Top Tips for Choosing Practical Baby Care Equipment and Accessories

Whether you have a new baby on the way or are planning to adopt or start a family in the near future, you can never start planning your little one’s nursery too soon. Of course there will be lots of other exciting things on your to-do list during this time, but by spending time planning your nursery you can get quite a lot of them crossed off early on. Designing your nursery gives you the chance to think about how you want to structure your routines with your new little one.

It can be easy to get carried away, especially with so much focus on gorgeous, aesthetic nurseries splashed all over social media, and this can very quickly turn into an overly designed space that is impractical and doesn’t suit you or your baby’s needs. There are things you can do to make the process more simple and manageable. First, it helps to decide on what you really want to include and what you’ll be better off leaving out of your plan.

Choose flexible furniture

By ‘flexible’ we mean that you should look for furniture that is multipurpose and can be adapted as the needs of your growing baby change. Babies grow extremely quickly and if you choose things that are only suitable for newborns then you may not get the most use out of them, and this can get expensive. To save yourself some time and money, look for furniture that will be suitable from birth up to toddler age, and beyond where possible. A good example of furniture that grows with your little one is a cot that can be converted into a bed for a toddler.

Keep it clean

Lots of families will hand down furniture and baby care equipment that they don’t need any more, and while it can be a great option for saving some money or keeping that heirloom cot in the family, you need to be aware that second hand furniture can pose a health risk to your baby. Some items are absolutely fine to share, such as clothing, changing tables and storage furniture such as chests of drawers because they can be properly washed and made completely hygienic before you use them for your baby. While it might be hard to say no to a well intentioned gift of second hand baby products, there are some kinds that you should avoid. Mattresses are a big one; if you’re using a second hand cot then make sure you thoroughly wash it and buy a brand new mattress to go with it.

When choosing new things, look for natural materials that can be washed easily. For clothing and bed linen, look for pure cotton that can be washed at a higher temperature, and for solid surfaces choose things that are wipe clean and can be cleaned using child-safe disinfectant products. You might like to get a waterproof mattress protector too, as this will keep your baby’s mattress clean and hygienic, even if they have an accident. You should aim to change your baby’s bed linens a couple of times per week, so make sure you have multiples.

Choose compatible systems

In Singapore stroller and baby equipment stores you can find many brands that specialise in creating complete systems that can take your baby from nap time at home, to safe and sound journeys by car, to the city streets with just a few small adjustments.

For example, you can find bassinets for newborns that are compatible with stroller bases, and you can also find car seats that can be fastened to stroller bases so you can get from A to B without needing to buy completely separate equipment. This means you’ll save money but it also means you’ll be able to get around more easily and will have less stuff to store at home or take out with you when you leave.

Any good retailer in Singapore will be able to offer you advice on which systems or separates will work best for your lifestyle and living situation. You’ll also have the chance to try some options out in person if you pick a reputable boutique and make an appointment with their experts.


Last updated